I’m a firm believer that every day is worth celebrating! Honestly, I blame my mom. Whether it was a birthday party, a graduation, or a dance recital, she always had a way of making me feel special by celebrating. I look forward to the years ahead, making my family feel extraordinary in all occasions. Maybe my love for planning and coordinating has been deep in my blood all along.
Admittedly I had decided Connor’s birthday theme months ago. Jake and I are both big fans of sitcoms, and of course Friends being one of our favorites. It’s one of our shows that just always seems to be playing in the background of our everyday life. We quote it quite often, and let’s face it; Monica is my long lost twin.
Since Connor will never remember his 1st birthday, and we are still figuring out his own “favorite thingsâ€, I decided to have some fun with this one. I’m sure next year will be about trucks, Mickey Mouse, or baseball. So for now… we’ll party like it’s 1999😉
For Connor’s lunch time menu, we gave an ode to some Friends classics:
And of course, our very own Central Perk. The most iconic coffee shop there ever was.
*Not pictured was Monica and Chandler’s Bubble Bath Fried Chicken. It stayed warm in the oven; but was most definitely the crowd favorite. Waynesville/Dayton friends, if you’re looking for the BEST fried chicken for your next get together- DOTS Market is where it’s at! Just ask my husband… he can’t stop eating it.
I found this colorful pom pom garland from Target; perfect for displaying his monthly pictures.
Our simple decor was all thanks to Amazon and Etsy. Truly there were so many options, but I tried not to go too overboard. (Even with a theme, less is more.)

Lastly, the main cake was from Cleveland’s famous boutique bakery, Kelsey Elizabeth Cakes. I had searched and searched on Pinterest for elaborate designs, but opted for something much more clean and classic. (Shown at the top of the post) Connor’s gluten free/egg free cake was homemade, and couldn’t have been cuter. (Shown below)

It was a perfect day celebrating with family. Like many other events in the last year, I imagined his 1st birthday party being slightly different, with more people… but it ended up turning out perfect regardless.
Celebrating 1 year of parenthood 😉 Connor with his cousin, AJ <3
And a special thank you to my younger brother who snapped these photos 🙂